Toulon to Bosa
Toulon to Porto Torres (11th-12th of October)
We took the train from Paris to Toulon and felt right away the temperature difference! We had to convert ourselves into Mediterranean mode!
We had some moules Toulonaises, and then hopped onto the ferry boat to Porto Torres for the whole night. Our arrival there started with a stunning view on the… gigantic petrol refinery of the industrial port of Porto Torres. The good news is that it is not in use since years, and actually is now home of a smaller biorefinery making plastics from flowers!
From Porto Torres to Bosa (12th of October)
We waited shortly in Porto Torres, having glass of wine with an old french couple who bought a house in the region lately. The woman is from the island, but left it 55 years ago. We then reached the town of Sassari, from were we had to take another 2h-long bus to Bosa. The bus station was full of schoolchildren, with a large group invading our bus before we could get on. This left us the only possibility to sit on the floor. Fortunately, children left progressively at each in between stops, leaving free spots for us.
Our arrival to Bosa
Upon arrival we met Bruno and Raffaella, the couple that we are going to help for the next two weeks! They welcomed us in a house with a wonderful landscape. Our coming was accompanied with the rain, here is a view from the house, capturing both the sun rays and the rain in the distance:
On that day we rested and we were brought in the evening to our small apartment in the old town of Bosa. While riding back, the rain we brought in the morning morphed into a torrential shower, worthy of the Indian monsoon! Water was everywhere one the road, the sewer system was overloaded! Bruno and Raffaella told us this usually never happens (looking at you global warming 👀)
First day of work (13th of October)
Today was our first day of work, it was quite a slow and easy start. Ece, with another helper Monica, had to check some large nets for holes. These nets will be used later to gather the olives from the trees! Louis took the road with Bruno to help him at various places. They went to the field where are located the olive trees, to harvest some tasty grapes. Then they went to another field, where Bruno fed the donkeys, the ducklings 🦆 and the chickens 🐔, the latter providing us in exchange some fresh eggs. At lunch we all gathered to eat some bass, which were fished by a friend of Bruno some days ago, a delight 😋
The afternoon we could have a rest, the sun was fully back, tinting the ocean the soft azure color.